Mats Leckie




Datum Poz GC Utrka UCI
18.02 Valley of the Sun Stage Race U19 | Jr 2024-02-18
18.02 DNF Valley of the Sun Stage Race U19 | Cijelokupni 2024-02-18
28.04 23 Annual Berkeley Hills | NE 2024-04-28Prikaži vise
16.05 43 USA Criterium-JR | CN 2024-05-16Prikaži vise
18.05 DNF USA RR-JR | CN 2024-05-18Prikaži vise
18.02 DNF Valley of the Sun Stage Race U19 | 3.etapa 2024-02-18
17.02 67 Valley of the Sun Stage Race U19 | 2.etapa 2024-02-17
16.02 61 Valley of the Sun Stage Race U19 | 1.etapa 2024-02-16